Thursday, 15 January 2015

January 11th, 2015 - Desert Camp to Desert Camp

So much has happened that I can't believe that it has only been 2 days since we left Cairo.  The mileage is grueling (129 km on Friday, 166 km on Saturday and 143 km today - Monday).

The ride out of Cairo was interesting, they had armed guards and police escorting us. They looked intimating but I guess did a good job since we all made it. 

Before leaving Cairo we cycled past some pyramids and The Sphinx.

We biked for two days through the desert on a paved highway.  It was great biking and for the most part we had a tailwind.  The landscape is extremely dry and there is very little bedrock and no vegetation.  It is quite cold and at night it is freezing...I didn't expect that!  The group of riders and staff are great, everyone seems to be in good cheer and want to have fun.

I am having difficulty accessing the blog but some others seem to be having better success.  If you want to follow other people's blogs, you can find links from the Tour d'Afrique website.


  1. Great pictures Karen. I was envious of you but after reading about your gruelling mileage not so much. ��

  2. Great Pics, quite a tough ride.
