Friday, 20 February 2015

February 3rd - 6th, 2015 - Farm Camp, Ethiopia

I've been sick the past four days but now on the mend.  I've been riding the truck (sharing what is called the 'dog pen' with other sick riders). So if you weren't sick when you got on the truck you will be by the time you get off.  I had projectile vomiting at the Ethiopian immigration entry point and again in front of their medical hut where they take everyone's temperature to make sure that they are healthy... and they still let me in.

 I can't emphasize enough how hot it is... 45+C and the wind blows hot air, so it's like being in a convection oven.  Here is one of the many villages ...this was taken near the Sudan-Ethiopian border...not sure which side.

Ethiopia is mountainous and much greener.  It is poor and more Christian (as opposed to Muslim), so the dress is a mixture of burkas, head scarves and western style. 

We wonder where the flagging tape that shows our way goes, I've seen kids walking around with it, some decorate their bikes, other make flowers out of it.   You are swarmed by kids (and adults too) as soon as they see you.  It is interesting at first but becomes too much very quickly. 

Still donkeys carry the burden, hauling water, wood, people, pulling large carts...  Each night we are constantly serenaded with donkeys braying, dogs barking and until recently the call to prayer which starts a half hour before sunrise.

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