Wednesday, 11 March 2015

February 27, 2015 - Good Bye and Good Riddance, Ethiopia!

We biked along ignoring the calls of "you, you, you" and "money, money, money", and cringed as we saw the kids pick up rocks and waited for the sting of the airborne projectile.  We were openly relieved as we approached the border crossing into Kenya.  The border town of Moyale was hopping with activity as buses, trucks and people on foot made their way to and from the border.

Here in Moyale, we say goodbye to Ethiopia, the Blue Donkeys (the blue three wheeled taxi shown below), the aggressive kids (and adults), and the green and yellow flag.

We sit at a bar on the Ethiopian side of the border waiting for the immigration staff to return from their 2 hour lunch.  We don't look very happy in this photo, so maybe the relief will come later when we get an Exit stamp from Ethiopia and and Entrance stamp from Kenya.

I made the mistake of having 2 macchiatos and a coke while waiting and hardly slept a wink that night.  Note to self that no matter how good the coffee tastes, zero is the correct number to have after lunch.

The difference in people and attitudes from one side of the border to the other was remarkable.  The border staff actually joked with us but of course we were quite happy at that point.

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